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How Well Do You Know Your Carbohydrates

How Well Do You Know Your Carbohydrates

If you've been following the news about carbohydrates, you may be puzzled. This is true whether you're attempting to reduce weight or just eat healthier. There has been a consumer reaction against carbohydrates because of the recent trend toward high-protein diets. As a result, many people have a skewed conception of how carbs fit into a balanced diet.

Carbohydrates can have both positive and negative roles. Some are beneficial to health, but excessive consumption of others may raise blood sugar and cholesterol levels.

Carbohydrates: what are they?

Bread, fruit, vegetables, rice, beans, milk, popcorn, potatoes, cookies, spaghetti, maize, and cherry pie are all good sources of carbohydrates. They can take several shapes and sizes. Sugars, fiber, and starches are the most prevalent and abundant types. Sugar molecules are the fundamental building blocks of all carbohydrates.

All carbohydrates are processed in the digestive tract in the same way; that is, they are broken down (or attempted to be broken down) into individual sugar molecules, which are the smallest molecules that can be absorbed into the bloodstream. As glucose (or blood sugar) is the preferred fuel source for every type of cell in the body, this process is also responsible for converting the vast majority of digestible carbs into glucose. It's for this reason that eating carbs might give us a boost of energy. Our bodies run on carbs. Your muscles contain glycogen, a kind of glucose that is stored in your body and consumed during physical activity.

Carbohydrates are the best fuel for your body since they have the highest octane rating. If you don't get enough carbs, your body will start breaking down protein and fat to use as fuel. When glycogen stores (a kind of glucose stored in muscle and other lean tissue) are depleted, the body must resort to breaking down other sources of protein or fat in the diet in addition to lean muscle tissue to produce glucose for the blood in order to meet energy demands. Since less of your lean muscle tissue is there to burn calories, your body mistakes this for hunger and slows its metabolic rate as a result.

Therefore, you should keep eating carbohydrates, but just the ones that are the healthiest for you.
Carbohydrate-rich foods should be consumed, but only if they are close to the form found in nature. The more closely a carbohydrate food adheres to nature's design, the more concentrated the other essential nutrients become. Look at these options if you're trying to find carbs that won't harm your health:

Fruit is a great source of many nutrients, including fiber, vitamin A, vitamin C, folate, potassium, and even vitamin E.

Vegetables have a greater range of minerals and vitamins than fruit does, including dietary fiber, protein, vitamins A and C, and even vitamin E in some cases.

Foods made with whole grains are excellent sources of fiber, protein, and some B vitamins, as well as a wide variety of minerals.

Protein, fiber, folate, potassium, iron, and many other minerals can all be found in legumes.
Protein, calcium, phosphorus, potassium, riboflavin, and vitamin B12 can all be found in dairy products.

You can also source carbohydrates from processed foods such as soda pop or soft drinks, snacks such as cookies and chips, and alcohol. These are widely regarded as poor food options and should be consumed infrequently. The carbohydrate supply (sugar and flour) in these meal options has been extensively refined and processed. Heart disease and the development of type 2 diabetes have both been linked to a diet high in refined carbohydrates and processed foods.

Why should certain carbohydrate sources be avoided

They contribute a disproportionately high number of calories relative to their weight. A typical 7-ounce bag of chips, whether they're made from potatoes or corn, contains about 1,000 calories. Most weight-loss programs recommend that women consume no more than 1200 calories per day. That's the definition of a calorie-dense, nutrient-poor food.

They have no protein or fiber, so they won't keep your hunger at bay for long. Consequently, you find yourself hungry again shortly after finishing your initial serving.

Besides providing empty calories, they add nothing to your diet. This means you can't eat as much of the healthy food your body needs.

Substitute minimally processed whole-grain products and at least five daily servings of fruit and vegetables for highly processed grains, cereals, and sweets whenever possible.
When trying to lose weight, it's better for your long-term health to learn to discern between good and poor carbohydrates and to incorporate healthy carbohydrates into your diet rather than to take them out entirely.

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